HSK Test Level 5
The HSK 5 assesses test takers’ abilities in the application of everyday Chinese. It is the counterpart of the Level V of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the C1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEF).
HSK 5 Achievement
Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays and give a full-length speech in Chinese.
HSK 5 Vocabulary
It’s required to master 2500 commonly used words for HSK 5. Not only the essential daily matters, but you can also enjoy a profound life in China with this required vocabulary as an advanced level Chinese learner.
HSK 5 Grammar Points
所 (suǒ)
Pivotal Sentence: 令 (lìng)
Pivotal Sentence: 派 (pài)
Comparison Sentence: A 不如/没有 B(这么/ 那么)+ Adj.
于 (yú)
朝 (cháo)
朝 (cháo) vs 向 (xiàng) vs 往 (wǎng)
突然 (tūrán) and 忽然 (hūrán)
及 (yǐ jí) and 和 (hé)
便 (biàn) and 就 (jiù)
一直 (yìzhí) and 始终 (shǐzhōng)
多亏 (duō kuī) and 幸亏 (xìng kuī)
连忙 (liánmáng) & 急忙 (jí máng) & 匆忙 (cōngmáng)
Sentence Structure 不但不/不但没有…,反而… (búdàn bù / búdàn méi yǒu…fǎn’ér…)
Sentence Structure 宁可…,也不/也要… (nìngkě…, yě bù / yě yào…)
Sentence Structure 与其…,不如… (yǔ qí…, bù rú…)
Sentence Structure 万一……,(就)…… (wànyī…, jiù…)
Sentence Structure 幸亏……,不然…… (xìngkuī…, bùrán…)
Sentence Structure 除非……,不然…… (chúfēi…, bùrán…)
Sentence Structure 哪怕……,也/还…… (nǎpà…, yě/hái…)
Sentence Structure 为……所…… (wéi … suǒ…)
HSK 5 Corresponding Textbooks
HSK 5 Mock Papers
HSK 5 Test Structure & Content
In the test paper, there are three sections in total, Listening comprehension, Reading comprehension, and Wring.
* The test will last for 125 minutes in total (including 5 minutes in which the test takers fill in personal information).
HSK 5 Results Certificate
For the HSK (Level V), four results will be provided including listening, reading, writing and the total. The test taker must score over 60% to be considered passing.
As a Chinese language certificate for foreign students’ entry into Chinese colleges, the results of the HSK are valid for two years (beginning from the test date).
